Digilent Idea Space

Have an idea for a product, feature, or improvement? This is the place where you can share those ideas with Digilent’s product team as well as view and vote on Ideas submitted by other Digilent users.

  1. Welcome and guidelines

    Welcome to the Digilent Idea Space! If you have an idea for a product feature or improvement the floor is yours! Some guidelines: This space is purely for Ideas about new product features or improvements. Not support. The best place to find support is on our forums (https://forum.digilent.com/) and our reference library (https://digilent.com/reference/) Keep us lean There is a chance you aren't the first one to have your idea. Before submitting an idea, make sure to do a quick search. If you find an idea that is similar to your own, upvote it and leave a comment with any additional thoughts you think should be included in the idea. Add topic tags to your idea These help keep everything organized and easy to find. Some ideas span multiple topic tags. You can add multiple! If you don't have something nice to say....well you know.. Be kind :)

    Britt Espinosa


  2. A template/generator for AXI4-Lite IPs that takes register specifications as input

    Xilinx's AXI IP template is known to have some bugs (https://zipcpu.com/blog/2021/05/22/vhdlaxil.html) and can be cumbersome for users who are brand new to using Zynq devices. A well-tested and protocol-compliant template that would allow users to create an IP directly from a description of the functionality they actually care about - the registers that connect to the logic they are trying to control - would significantly speed up this process. Similar open-source projects exist (https://github.com/rggen/rggen for example), however, the easiness of their integration into Vivado is questionable. Taking inspiration from rggen, an IP generator could be implemented in TCL which composes a AXI4-lite design including the desired functionality, described in a custom JSON format, which creates a fully packaged AXI IP including stub drivers to be brought up into Vitis/SDK through a BSP.

    Arthur B



    Many times I need some features of a development board that I can not find in the market boards. In this cases, SOM are very useful because I can develop my own board without the difficult of routing an FPGA or a DDR Memory. The idea is to create a board like CMOD but using a a Zynq.

    Pablo T
    #New Product#Hardware#FPGA


  4. AI circuit detector/importer

    This feature will allow users to upload an image of a circuit, where an AI will detect the components used and their connections, which will then be imported into the Multisim Live circuit editor. This will remove the need of manually placing components in order to recreate another circuit.

    Nita E
    #New Feature#Software#Multisim Live


  5. Cmod A7 with more I/O

    (Idea submitted to the Digilent forums, 07/27/2022) I like the CModA7 but wish it had a few more I/Os; I am always running out. A 64-pin dip module would be great.

    Britt Espinosa
    #New Product#Hardware#Accessories


  6. Ethernet Development Board

    Since the trend is to more and more Ethernet based systems, a Board with a prety large SoC device would be interesting and at least 4 Ethernet boards would be great

    Sven M
    #New Product


  7. Run Petalinux and standalone operating systems on different Zynq CPU cores of the same board at the same time

    A baremetal project could be run in one Zynq CPU which would provide a standard software interface to a Petalinux instance running on the other CPU. This would allow software development to be more easily split into two layers, one which can service PL hardware and hardware drivers in real-time, while the other could implement complex software and leverage premade libraries and drivers for things like data transport between the embedded device and the cloud or a host PC. Additionally, the separation of Petalinux development and baremetal project development would allow multiple developers to work in tandem, and allow the baremetal side to be tested on its own without the need for a complete solution. Such a project could target any number of boards, but a DMA-heavy system like a project for Eclypse or the Zybo Z7 would be ideal. The Petalinux layer could be used to export data (like captured video frames or signal acquisitions) to a host. Xilinx XAPP 1078 claims to implement such a system: https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18841668/Multi-OS+Support+AMP+Hypervisor https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18841653/XAPP1078+Latest+Information

    Arthur B
    #New Feature#Improvement#FPGA


  8. It would be nice to have the ability to imoprt SPICE models

    The current database is extensive, however its missing numerous components. Since its SPICE base simulation, maybe unlocking the ability to import custom models might not be a bad idea.

    Anonymous Pelican
    #New Feature#Hardware#Multisim Live


  9. Add support for custom components

    Allows the users to create reusable components from existing circuits, by selecting which circuit connections will represent the new component pins.

    Nita E
    #New Feature#Software#Multisim Live


  10. Add the protocol alalyzer function for RS232, 485, 422

    I would like to thank you for Your Good product, specially Analog Discovery and Digital Discovery. I like to suggest the function of the protocol alalyzer for RS232, 485, 422 in Analog Discovery. UART(3.3V, or 5V) protocol analyzer is convenient on Board level debugging. But in System level debugging, RS232, rs422 voltage level are monitored. Your product of Analog Discovery has analog input feature over RS232, rs485 Already. These days I try to buy the RS232 option of oscilloscope by Tektronix. The price is over $3000 in Korea. if your product has that function, the engineers in the world have much better time with their family. Maybe your benifit also become much better.

    Anonymous Wrasse
    #New Feature


  11. Add saved presets

    Allows the user to save a component with custom settings, like saving the J/K flip-flop as the 74LS76N by saving it with the "Negative_Edge_Trigg_CLOCK" and "ACTIVE_LOW_SET_and_RESET" enabled, allowing the user to place it down using the preset.

    Anonymous Penguin
    #New Feature#Improvement#Multisim Live


  12. Transform Multisim Live digital logic circuits into FPGA bitstreams for Digilent boards

    This feature would allow you to synthesize, implement & generate a bitstream for Multisim Live digital circuits (that can be implemented on an FPGA). The user can select his Digilent board and connect his circuits to components that represent FPGA IO (buttons, switches, LEDs etc.)

    Nita E
    #Software#Multisim Live#FPGA


  13. Zmod 10G Ethernet PHY

    Slow Pmod's won't handle the bandwidth needs for 10G, but Zmod (Syzygy) should.

    Bradford M
    #New Product#Hardware#Accessories


  14. GNU Octave support

    Create a plugin to support Digilent devices with GNU Octave.

    Britt Espinosa
    #Software#New Product#Hardware


  15. Bring back the NetFPGA-1G-CML

    A board with 4 Gigabit Ethernet Ports, can be used for many applications for IIOT or Industry 4.0.

    Sven M
